Han, Wenjie / 韓文捷
Wenjie Han, born in China, photographer and painter, received his B.F.A at China Academy of Art, M.F.A at Zhejiang Normal University, and later earned his M.F.A at SUNY University at Albany in the United States. Han has had one-person exhibitions at Yikeshu, Wenzhou, China. Han's work has appeared in numerous group exhibitions in museums, commercial galleries, and alternative exhibition spaces both in China and United States: Art Museum of China Academy of Art, Pingyao International Photography Festival,Art Museum of Zhejiang Normal University, State University Plaza, and University Art Museum of University at Albany.
2013 MFA (candidate) in Painting, University at Albany, (SUNY), NY, U
2011 MFA in Painting, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhu, Zhejiang, China
2008 BFA in Photography, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
2017.06.03 Viewpoints 2017, Studio Montclair, Newark, NJ
2017.01.16 Environmental Photography Exhibition, Golden, CO
2017.01.27 Midwest Center for Photography Juried Exhibition, MWCP, Wichita, Kansas
2016.12.02 Home 2016 Exhibition, The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO
2016.08.25 Solo Exhibition Scene, Cloud Gallery, New York
2016.02.20 New York Bay International Art Exhibition, Queens
2016.02.18 Han Wenjie Solo Show – From New York to Wenzhou, Wenzhou, China
2015.08.01 Hatch Series No.2 – Urbansim: Transience, Space, Community, Brooklyn
2015.07.30 China: Fortress Besieged, Queens
2014 11 New York Bay Artists Association 2014 Group Show, Tusanwan Museum, Shanghai
2014 05 Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition, University Art Museum, University at Albany, NY
2013 10 SUNY Fall 2013 Student Exhibition, State University Plaza, Albany, NY, US
2011 07 MFA Thesis Exhibition, Art Museum, Institute of Fine Art of Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China
2010 12 Two-Person Exhibition, Poetic Walking, Art Museum, Institute of Fine Art of Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China
2008 05 BFA Thesis Exhibition, Art Museum, China Academy of Art, Huangzhou, Zhejiang, China
2007 09 International Photography Festival, Pingyao, Shanxi, China
2007 03 The Spring Equinox, Art Museum, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Awards and Honors
2015 WPPI Silver Award, Honors of Excellence, US
2013 Scholarship Award of graduate assistant at University at Albany, NY, US
2009 Honorable Mention in the 2nd National Youth Competition for Sketch, Colorful Still Life and Landscape Drawing, China
2008 Photograph of "Non-Static-Object" won the Academy Award of China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
2006 Second prize of the Around-Lake Fashion Photography Competition, Hangzhou, Zhejiang
2007 All-around Student in China Academy of Fine Arts, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
2007 Second Scholarship in China Academy of Fine Arts, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Published as author
“How to form personal aesthetic in the process of life painting,” Fine Art Weekly, (October 2011) (The Second Author)
“The Awareness of the Relationship between Oriental Art and Western Art,” Aesthetics and Time, (2011), pp. 80-81.
“The Real Artist-The Real Person,” Fine Art Weekly, (2011)
2011-2013 硕士(MFA) 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校 University at Albany (SUNY)
2008-2011 硕士 浙江师范大学美术学院
2004-2008 本科 中国美术学院
2016 02 纽约湾国际艺术展,皇后区
2016 02 从温州到纽约——韩文捷个人油画摄影展,一棵树,温州
2015 07 孵化系列2:城市化,纽约(美国)
2015 07 中国:围城,ResoBox,纽约(美国)
2014 11 纽约湾美术家协会2014年画展,土三湾美术馆,上海
2014 05 2014级(MFA)毕业展,纽约州立大学美术馆,奥尔巴尼市(美国)
2013 10 纽约州立大学2013秋季艺术展,纽约州立大学广场,奥尔巴尼市(美国)
2011 07 2012级硕士毕业展,美术馆,浙江师范大学,金华
2010 12 《行走的诗意》双人展,美术馆,浙江师范大学,金华
2008 05 2008级本科毕业展,美术馆,中国美术学院,杭州
2009 09 平遥国际摄影节,平遥
2007 03 《春分》摄影展,美术馆,中国美术学院,杭州
2015 WPPI银奖,美国
2013 纽约州立大学助教奖学金
2009 全国青年素描和色彩静物风景写生作品大赛优秀作品奖
2008 毕业创作《非静止物》获得学院奖
2007 在中国美术学院美术馆举办参加摄影展《春分》
2006 浙江温州市《瓯越清风—温州市反腐倡廉书画摄影作品展》佳作奖
2006 浙江杭州风尚环湖摄影比赛二等奖
2005 两副色彩绘画作品被中国美术学院收藏
2010 审美如何在写生现场发生(第二作者)[N].美术报,2011-10-8
2010 对中西美术差异的认识[N].美术与时代,2010:80-81
2010 真实的艺术家——真实的人[N].美术报,2010
2013-2014 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校素描基础课教师
2009 义务工商学院艺术设计系外聘教师